Carrot Papaya

a jar filled with carrot papaya juice over ice with a mandarin and strberries

Carrot Papaya

The ingredients in this juice encourage cell turnover, repair cell damage, and promote overall skin structure. Strawberries and citrus are rich in vitamin C, boosting collagen production and repair. Carrots are one of the best sources of beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin A, promoting cell growth, repair, and protecting skin from damage. Turmeric adds a boost of anti-inflammatory properties to encourage healthy cell function. Papaya is also rich in beta-carotene and other antioxidants to protect skin cells from free radical damage, aiding repair and regeneration.


  • ½ papaya, seeded
  • 10-12 strawberries, leaves removed
  • 2 small mandarins
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 2-inch piece turmeric, peeled


  • Cut papaya, strawberries, mandarin, carrot, and turmeric into chunks. Add to the juicer.
  • Juice, and enjoy.


  • The ingredients in this juice create a creamy, smoothie-like consistency. If you prefer a thinner juice, thin out with a little water or coconut water.
Makes: 16 ounces