Enzyme Hydration

Enzyme Hydration
Here is a deliciously sweet and also tart, enzyme and vitamin C rich juice. We like to have this one over ice and fill half the glass with juice and the other half with mineral water. As you may know, pineapple contains a nice amount of vitamin C and the digestive enzyme bromelain, which is said to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Ginger is wonderful for digestion too and has anti-inflammatory properties of its own. Papaya has the enzyme papain which is also said to aid with digestion.
- 3 cups of pineapple, peeled and chopped
- 1 inch piece of ginger (more if you want zingy heat)
- 1 lemon, peeled
- 2 cups of papaya, seeds and peel removed
- Wash all ingredients and cut and peel as necessary
- Juice using juice strainer in order given