Calming Refresher

Calming Refresher
This juice is very refreshing and light. Mint is added for its soothing support of the gut. It is also a wonderful antioxidant and its cooling fresh taste pairs well with cucumber. Celery, lemon and cucumber are very hydrating for the body. Apple is a gentle sweetener with vitamin C and then ginger is another beautiful digestive support. Finally, fennel comes in with its fresh flavour and juice loaded with supportive properties for our digestion.
- 1 handful of mint leaves
- 3 stalks of celery
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1/2 inch ginger
- 1 lemon, peeled
- 1/2 fennel bulb
- 1 apple, cored
- Wash ingredients thoroughly.
- Cut all ingredients into the appropriate size for the juicer.
- Juice in the order given and enjoy!