Cucumber Enhancer

a glass jar filled with cucumber enhancer green juice with a peeled nectarine and lemon

Cucumber Enhancer

This juice aims to support production of collagen, protect against collagen degradation, and support hydration. Cucumber contains silica to support collagen formation; arugula contains beta-carotene and other antioxidants to protect collagen from degradation. Tangelos are packed with vitamin C to support collagen synthesis. Lemon helps maintain the vibrancy and health properties of the juice.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 cup packed arugula
  • 3 tangelos, peeled
  • ¼ lemon, peeled


  • Wash cucumber and arugula well.⁣
  • Cut cucumber, tangelos, and lemon into chunks and add to the juicer along with arugula.⁣
  • Juice, and enjoy.⁣
Makes: 16 ounces